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Exciting News - We're removing barriers to breast screenings

Updated: Jul 8

Panhandle Breast Health (PBH) and Pampa Regional Medical Center (PRMC) are excited to announce a partnership that will benefit uninsured women by providing no-cost screening mammograms in Pampa. The hospital recently added 3D mammography to its screening services and PBH will provide funding for the program as part of its Positively Pink Breast Cancer Screening Initiative.

According to PRMC Chief Executive Office Jon Gill, PRMC is advancing the fight against breast cancer with the purchase and installation of MAMMOMAT Revelation, an innovative mammography system designed to overcome barriers to breast cancer detection.

“We chose the new system because the wide-angle technology makes it easier to find smaller lesions earlier than with 2D mammography, and with greater accuracy,” said Gill. “We also see personalized compression as a tool that helps women overcome the fear of pain and discomfort that is so common with mammograms by delivering a more comfortable examination.”

“By funding mammograms in Pampa, PBH hopes to remove additional barriers to getting a mammogram, such as the extended time commitment and travel expenses of having to come to Amarillo to receive breast cancer screening,” said Judy Neill, PBH Executive Director. “We encourage all women to know their personal risk for breast cancer and to begin annual mammograms at age 40, or in the case of high-risk women, at the age their doctor recommends.”

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