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Early Detection: The Key to Successful Cancer Treatment


Under the Affordable Care Act, screening mammograms are covered free of charge through private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid. However, many insurers do not pay for follow-up diagnostic exams such as MRI and ultrasound. As a result, many who cannot afford this cost will choose to delay or forego these additional tests, and that decision to delay screening can lead to later sate diagnosis. #FindItEarlyAct

The recently reintroduced Find It Early Act would ensure all health insurance plans cover screening and diagnostic mammograms and breast ultrasounds and MRIs with no cost-sharing. In Texas, insurance providers must cover breast ultrasounds if a mammogram shows dense breast tissue and a doctor recommends it. Through the generosity of our funders and donors, Panhandle Breast Health is able to pay for diagnostic tests for uninsured residents of the Texas Panhandle.

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